Saturday, February 2, 2008

We must forge... A head?

Well, well, if the first two posts didn't scare you off, I... Wait. Hello? Anybody home? Oh bother... It seems that like the tragedy that befalls many fledgling blogs, mine may be ill-fated to never receive much traffic.

But, we must continue on, undaunted by this! Leave us a comment, seriously. It lets us know that there's interest and that we should proceed! :)

As I was saying, the introductory post may have scared people with its... Overly complex syntax and length.

Let me start by more formally introducing myself: Hi, fellow citizen of Das Entrovebbz. I am a guy, ranging between 15-27, and I live somewhere between the mountainous ranges of Oregon and the lush greenery of the San Fernando Valley.

And this... This is a blog. I used to think they were only for pretentious whiners, but I am beginning to see their use. This blog is about a concept, an idea.

To simplify the idea, it's simply to create a kind of independent life-form using only your thoughts. Don't go into disbelief, and hang with us for a second, there's a science behind this. It's a shockingly easy process, as well. Hell, I could probably do it to you. All it takes is a little amount of time, an open mind, and a willingness to do so.

"How so?" you ask. "How do you know, isn't this just a theory?" Well, yes and no. While it is a theory, I have tested it out on actual individuals I know to practice. I was surprise as hell when it... It kind of actually worked! One of these was Seadragon, that other guy. Go ahead and ask him, he'll vouch. (Seriously, don't bug him. >_<) I believe the exceptional success may have a corrolation to his experiences with lucid dreaming, but really, it could be anything, as he wasn't the only one I tried this with.

Seeing both the practical and entertainment uses for this, Seadragon suggested we document some of this stuff. So, here it is, written down for all to see.

If you feel like asking a question, just watching how things turn out, looking into this on your own, or even acquiring a "Companion" of your own, drop us a line.

Well, I have to cut this post short, I don't want to frighten off all of our 1.5 readers by making another post taller than the Burj Dubai. Caio.


Anonymous said...


I be here.

The Keeper of the Blog said...

Hey! Welcome to the blog!

Hang out here, and feel free to ask questions about that's going on here.

Anonymous said...

I'm still a bit skeptical, but the relation to lucid dreaming that you made makes it more acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to do this for years with no real idea how, for serious. If you really have experimentally verified positive results, I'd be excited to hear about them and give it a try myself. Keep going.

Anonymous said...

It all sounds very interesting, keep up the good work. I'm curious as to it's validity, but things like the telephone would never be invented if everyone was close minded.

The Keeper of the Blog said...

Thanks for the support.

We're currently working on more content, but we've yet to publish it because it is somewhat unfinished.

We should have some more up soon!