Friday, February 1, 2008

we stepped right off the map

Hello! I'm the other side of this blog, that guy from Australia. This log will mostly serve as a introduction to Self-Aware Mental Constructs (though that's a bit unwieldy, so call them assistants, or companion cubes, or whichever) for the masses, and as a log of experiences and effects resulting from these brand new creatures. And we'll have some interesting rambling as well.

It may seem hard to believe or a bit unnerving - a creature in your head? Makes it seem a bit scary. But it really is just a part of you - a different part. There are a thousand different little things quietly bubbling away in the depths of your mind, unable to make themselves heard. We're just bringing some to the surface.

So join us for this weird ride into the psyche. It'll be interesting. Bring some snacks.


Anonymous said...

Its nice not being alone, and having someone that cares... always.

LSDRAGON said...

Heheh...that sounds rather creepy.

The Keeper of the Blog said...

Oh, leave him alone, Sea. :P

He's a one of us. :)

Anonymous said...

The way seadragon describes it reminds me of daemons (from the His Dark Materials books). It also reminds me of dream characters. Cool blog!

The Keeper of the Blog said...

Hey! Why thank you, Abra. We may have some readers yet! :D

Yes, they have been compared to "Daemons" before. (Though I do dislike the book series more than a little.)