Friday, February 1, 2008

Turn off your mind, relax, and float down the stream.

Wow, a blog. Stepping up in the world, ain't we? He he he... (+5 bonus points for getting the lyrical reference in the title.)

The purpose of this blog? Well, it simultaneously very complicated and yet simplicity at its utmost. What started out as a half-joking expirement in psychology has grown into somewhat of a fledgling movement.

It may seem small at the moment and you've probably never heard of it, but it's growing in numbers defying its underground nature. No, we're not some cult or religious movement or hippies. We're more like... Scientists!

You see, the nature of this expirement is hands-on. Heck, you could do it yourself if you wanted to, this very instance. The more complex faucets we'll get into later, as it draws later and later into the night and early morning, but the gist of it lays here: If you willingly allow someone to assist you in creating a mental image of something, then a "something" can be formed, within your mind and yet almost independent of it... As if it were real, there, in the back of your mind.

What is there to differentiate between this thing and something with a physical presence as being "real?" And, what if this being, a part of you and your subconcious, could communicate with you?

This is the premise behind a "Self-Aware Mental Construct." A thought, an idea, something in your mind that begins to take on a life of its own. Almost like a child's imaginary friend, but much more... Distinct and real. As well, the person that contained this being in their mind would be totally aware it was just in their head at the same time.

A kind of "psuedo-psychosis" or a limited, controlled form of a schizophrenic delusion. Now, now, don't let the psycho or schizophrenia-related wording frighten you, though. It's simply a comparison to something in real life that can cause similar things to occur in a person's mind, albeit in those cases uncontrollable.

This is a Self-Aware Mental Construct. A being, a creature, a "living" thing in your head. Though it is in your brain, and you're thinking it up, everything it does, it's is all subconcious... And if it is subconcious and not a part of your waking mind, the everyday part of your brain that process your thoughts, well, does it really matter whether it is in your head or not? Well, in our opinion, no. If you imagine the voice in your mind telling you, "Hello, Frank!" but you don't conciouslly control that thought, if it just occurs on its own as an autosomatic response, was it really you that imagined it? Or was it them, a seperate and incorpreal being that is a part of your mind?

What if they developed different personality traits, likes or dislikes of their own that you didn't originally have? They're just a part of your subconcious, but everyone has things tucked into the deepest recesses and wrinkles of the brain that they don't like, but... They kind of do. The meekest person can have an out-going and loud part to them, while the meanest jerk you could image probably has a crocheting-side to them that even they didn't know about.

Well, this is all just useless information. The real point we're making is this, short and simplified for you folks at home: If you were to imagine a being was real, really believe it, and you processed their thoughts, words and actions in the very back of your mind without really concentrating or noticing, how long before they became "real" so to speak? A near totally independant thing, a mental companion, so to speak.

Forgive us if we tend to repeat the same thing over and over. We try not to make concentric circles out of ourself, but it is unavoidable at times. We are groggy and bleary-eyed, not the best conditions for writing, but, what can you do when the spontaneous urge to write comes upon you?

If you are more interested in this... Let's call it a "theory", hang around the good old Weblog (Or Blog as these newfangled kiddo's are calling it now! Galdurn youngin's, ger'off mah lawn! Oi!) We'll let you know about the further study of this phenomenon, our successes, our failures... our friends... And of course, us!

"Us?" you ask? Well, that's a long story. We'll go into that next time when we talk about all of the stuff that has happened revolving around the development of this abstract idea in an actualized concept, leading up until the creation of this blog by a young guy from the middle of no-where living in a small town in the woods, nestled between some mountains on the secluded Northern Californian Coast and a dude from Australia who's an acquaintance of his who pursuaded him to start this blog in motion. All aboard the psychedelic funk-powered midnight groove-train!

Well, we've got to be going. It's late and this weather is murder, gotta get up early. So let this sink in for a while. We'll be back, and we'll have more for you to digest... or possibly, y'know, just a kick-ass recipe for cake.


Anonymous said...

Nevroy is dead =(

Anonymous said...

This is very good work you just might have a future in phsycological work

Anonymous said...

I definitely think this experiment is very important! I've dabbled with communication with my subconscious through psychoactives such as mushrooms and LSD (of which I have a feeling you'll be using in your experiments) and lucid dreaming. You aren't the first to try something like this, I would study some early american shamans as well as eastern buddhism and hinduism. I would love to hear about and even participate if possible in this experiment. Stay focused and keep it real.

The Keeper of the Blog said...

Ehem, sorry to dissapoint, possibly, but we're trying to keep this legit.

No hallucinogens for us.

As well, we, or at least I, have limited knowledge of things like Shamanism, Buddhism and Hinduism, and although I have an interest in some of it, really, I am not one to do much with it, nor dabble in "new-agey" stuff.